Sunday, March 30, 2008

BitTorrent Founded by Bram Cohen Gets Its B Round of Funding

Afflicted by Aperger's Syndrome, Bram Cohen has been a genius. He is the founder of wildly popular file sharing, BitTorrent. Comcast, the giant cable company, has realized that if you can not kill them, you'd better join them. That is why the cable company has announced it will undertake a collaborative effort with BitTorrent. Thus far, it is the Internet's most used network. It is the global standard for accessing rich media on the Internet. BitTorrent is the name of the game. Various TV companies have also been using its service. Many publishers have been able to use it with great fanfare.

BitTorrent has just raised its $25 billion worth of funding. The company can only make itself more important these ways. More film and movie studios will use it.

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